Sponzorji DiaMind 2016
so bili

Srečanje organizirata:

During the meeting we are going to explore how the minds of health care professionals and people with diabetes connect and interact.

The title of our Meeting this year is:

5 Years - 5 Trainers - 5 Stars.

The main topic of the meeting will be working with people with type 2 diabetes struggling with barriers to achieve optimal control and with an emphasis on gestational diabetes and working with women with type 1 diabetes in early motherhood. There will be a special clinical role-play demonstration of a patient case with type 2 diabetes and a young adult with type 1 diabetes – this time with step-by-step approach analysis.

How do we, health care professionals in diabetes, understand and approach the above mentioned patients - individuals that all carry their uniqueness and specifics, determining the therapeutic approach? What are the special skills we need to be flexible enough in our work? What are our own attitudes that may influence our interaction with people that have diabetes? Do we, health care professionals, understand our role in the process? How does the patient feel and what are her/his challenges? Are the patient’s challenges different from ours?

During the meeting, ample time is going to be dedicated to experiential workshops and more time than ever to live clinical case demonstrations with analysis of therapeutic steps. Witnessing two ‘live role-play’ treatment demonstrations of our two experts will be even more detailed than previous years, as you have expressed your utmost interest in the clinical cases and the analysis of the interventions. Again, experts will be working with professional actors.

It is our great honour and pleasure to welcome our guests:

Martha M. Funnell, MS, RN, CDE is an Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Medical Education of the University of Michigan Medical School, Co-Director of the Behavioral, Clinical and Health Systems Research Core of the MCDRT and adjunct faculty in the School of Nursing. She is a past President, Health Care and Education of the American Diabetes Association and immediate past Chair of the National Diabetes Education Program and has won numerous awards. She has thirty years experience as a Diabetes Educator with more than 150 publications and over 200 presentations.

Deborah Jefford-Christie is a consultant clinical psychologist and and Professor of paediatric and adolescent psychology at University College London Hospitals (NHS Foundation Trust). She is currently clinical lead for the department of child and adolescent psychological services in the care of young people with chronic illness (including Diabetes, Obesity, Arthritis, etc.). She was awarded the Diabetes Award in Adolescent Health and Society for Adolescent Medicine best practice award for managing obesity in 2001 and the award for outstanding scientific achievement in clinical health psychology in 2004. Dr Christie is an international trainer and speaker in motivational interviewing and solution focused therapies and has published over 80 papers in peer reviewed journals.

Laurie Ruggiero is a Clinical Health Psychologist and a Professor of Community Health Sciences at the Institute for Health Research and Policy in the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois at Chicago. In 1993, she was the first to apply the Transtheoretical model (or Stages of Change) in people with diabetes. Her ongoing program of research is focused on identifying innovative and effective behavioural and psychosocial strategies to help people who are obese and/or have diabetes make healthy lifestyle changes. She also focuses on underserved populations and implementing community and technology-based approaches to reach those most in need of diabetes prevention efforts and diabetes self-care education and support. She has published numerous articles on the topics related to behavioural and psychosocial aspects of diabetes self-care.

Carina Sparud-Lundin is an Associate Professor/Senior lecturer at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences at the Gothenburg University, Sweden. In recent years, she is dedicated to psychosocial research in pregnancy and early motherhood period of women with type 1 diabetes. Her special interests are transformative lifestyle changes postpartum, breastfeeding and it’s impact on daily life and well-being, as well as breastfeeding practices in women with type 1 diabetes in Sweden and Australia.

Dr. Karin Kanc is one of the organizers of this meeting. As a diabetologist, she has her own diabetes practice (jazindiabetes) in Ljubljana, Slovenia and is also a certified integrative psychotherapist (IIPA). She has been active in the field of psychological aspects of diabetes for more than 15 years and is a pioneer in her country combining diabetes and psychotherapy with psychology. Lately, her focus is mindfulness in diabetes and mindful eating.

Komu je srečanje namenjeno?
Medicinskim sestram, edukatorjem, zdravnikom (družinskim, diabetologom, pediatrom in drugim), psihologom, psihoterapevtom, dietetikom, farmacevtom in drugim strokovnjakom, ki delajo z ljudmi s sladkorno boleznijo.

Kje in kdaj?
V Mestnem muzeju na Gosposki 15 v Ljubljani, 7. april 2016.

Kolikšna je kotizacija in kaj vključuje?
Kotizacija znaša € 50 in vključuje udeležbo na izkustvenih delavnicah in predavanjih, hrano in pijačo ter materiale z delavnic).

Kako se je moč prijaviti?
Izpolnite prijavnico tule.
Predračun boste prejeli po elektronski pošti, potrdilo o vplačilu pa po navadni pošti. Število udeležencev je omejeno na 100 na osnovi prvi pride, prvi melje. Za informacije nas kontaktirajte na: info@diamind.si