Sponzorji DiaMind 2018

Srečanje organizirata:

Andrej Janež, MD, PhD,is professor of Internal Medicine and current Head of Dept. of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Disease at University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 2008, he is a Chairman of the Advances in Diabetes and Insulin Therapy (ADIT) Conference. He is currently Head of National Research program Genes, hormones and personality changes in metabolic disorders at Slovenian Research Agency. His main research interests include insulin resistance and a novel therapies of diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome.

Dr. Linda Gonder-Frederick is an Associate Professor at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, and a clinical psychologist and behavioral scientist who has worked in the field of diabetes for more than 30 years. During her career, she has been a Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator on more than 25 research projects funded by NIH/NIDDK, NIMH, the American Diabetes Association, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and various industrial sponsors. Her areas of research have included diabetes self-management, development of behavioral interventions to improve diabetes outcome, severe hypoglycemia and its psychosocial impact, cognitive and emotional effects of diabetes, and the clinical implications of diabetes-related technologies, including continuous glucose monitoring and closed-loop systems, aka the artificial pancreas. This work has resulted in more than 200 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. In addition, she has made over 150 presentations at scientific meetings including symposia, workshops and plenary sessions. A major focus of Dr. Gonder-Frederick’s work over the past three decades has been the effects of fear of hypoglycemia on patient emotional status, quality of life, and diabetes self-management. She is an advisory member of the International Hypoglycemia Study Group, an interdisciplinary group which is led by Dr. Simon Heller and is dedicated to efforts to understand and reduce the burden of hypoglycemia for people with diabetes. She is the co-author of the “Hypoglycemia Fear Survey (HFS-II), which is the most commonly-used tool to assess patients’ affective and behavioral responses to hypoglycemia and its negative consequences. At present, the HFS-II has been translated into more than 75 languages and is used in clinical settings as well as research, including clinical trials across the world. Dr. Gonder-Frederick’s present research focuses on a broad spectrum of interventions with the potential to reduce the problem hypoglycemia for people living with diabetes and their families, ranging from psychobehavioral therapies to technological devices including the artificial pancreas.

Karin Kanc is one of the organizers of this meeting. As a diabetologist, she has her own diabetes practice (jazindiabetes) in Ljubljana, Slovenia and is also a certified integrative psychotherapist (IIPA). She has been active in the field of psychological aspects of diabetes for more than 20 years and is a pioneer in her country combining diabetes and psychotherapy with psychology. Lately, her focus is mindfulness in diabetes and mindful eating.

Komu je srečanje namenjeno?
Medicinskim sestram, edukatorjem, zdravnikom (družinskim, diabetologom, pediatrom in drugim), psihologom, psihoterapevtom, dietetikom, farmacevtom in drugim strokovnjakom, ki delajo z ljudmi s sladkorno boleznijo.

Kje in kdaj?
V Mestnem muzeju na Gosposki 15 v Ljubljani, 5. april 2018.

Kolikšna je kotizacija in kaj vključuje?
Kotizacija znaša 50 € (za zgodnje ptiče do 8. februarja 2018 le 25 €) in vključuje udeležbo na izkustvenih delavnicah in predavanjih, hrano in pijačo ter materiale z delavnic.

Kako se je moč prijaviti?
Izpolnite prijavnico tule.
Predračun boste prejeli po elektronski pošti, potrdilo o vplačilu pa po navadni pošti. Število udeležencev je omejeno na 60 na osnovi prvi pride, prvi melje. Za informacije nas kontaktirajte na: info@diamind.si