Sponzorji DiaMind 2020

Srečanje organizirata:

Dr. Karin Sernec is a specialist in psychiatry at University Psychiatric Hospital Ljubljana, Assistant Professor at Medical University Ljubljana and psychotherapist. Her professional expertise and special interest is in eating disorders and disordered eating for more than 20 years. She is the Head of the Department for Eating Disorders of the University Psychiatric Hospital Ljubljana, Slovenia and a distinguished trainer in psychiatry for specialists-in-training.

Dr. Miša Pfeifer is a Professor of internal medicine and endocrinology. She served as head of the Department of Endocrinology for eight years and as the medical director of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana for two years. She is a visiting professor at the Medical faculty – University of Zagreb (Croatia) and Medical Faculty – University of Belgrade (Serbia). She is an active member of the ESE Postgraduate Courses Steering Committee and was awarded the ESE special recognition award for her educational activities in May 2019. She served as a member of the International Advisory Board for Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology and still serves at the Editorial boards of Hormones (Athens), and Frontiers in Endocrinology (Pituitary). She is the president of the Slovenian Endocrine Society and a regular member of the Slovenian Medical Academy. Eating disorders are among her fields of interest, as well as pituitary diseases, especially GHD and atherogenesis, PCOS - metabolic and vascular derangements, obesity and cellular lipid handling.

Dr. Christel Hendrieckx is a clinical psychologist trained in Belgium and UK. She completed her PhD in psychology at the Royal Holloway University of London (2001). After her PhD, Christel worked at the Brussels University Hospital, counselling adults with diabetes and with eating disorders. In 2011, she moved to Melbourne to take up a research position at the Australian Centre for Behavioural Research in Diabetes (partnership between Diabetes Victoria and Deakin University). Her major interest is in the psychological aspects of hypoglycaemia and in people with type 1 diabetes perceptions of new treatments and technologies. Christel is the first author of ‘Diabetes and emotional health: A handbook for health professionals supporting adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes’, a resource for health professionals to provide emotional support to adults with diabetes.

Dr. Jackie Fosbury is Psychotherapy Lead in a community diabetes service in the South East of England – Diabetes Care for You. She has worked psychologically with people with diabetes for 30 years. This service is embedded in all diabetes care pathways. They have been cited as an example of ‘best practice’ in the Diabetes UK document ‘Too Often Missing’. They won the UK 2019 Quality in Care Awards – Diabetes - under their ‘Mind and Body Together’ category and Jackie has been nominated for Diabetes Health Professional 2019 in the Diabetes Quality in Care awards. Moreover, in 2019, she spoke in the UK Parliament in June on diabetes and emotional health; she was interviewed for a podcast by Diabetes UK and the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy. Her special interests are in sexual dysfunction in women with diabetes and eating disorders in diabetes. She lives in Brighton with her 22 year old son who has just completed his psychology degree.

Karin Kanc is one of the organizers of this meeting. As a diabetologist, she has her own diabetes practice (jazindiabetes) in Ljubljana, Slovenia and is also a certified integrative psychotherapist (IIPA). She has been active in the field of psychological aspects of diabetes for more than 20 years and is a pioneer in her country combining diabetes and psychotherapy with psychology. Lately, her focus is mindfulness in diabetes and mindful eating.

Komu je srečanje namenjeno?
Medicinskim sestram, edukatorjem, zdravnikom (družinskim, diabetologom, pediatrom in drugim), psihologom, psihoterapevtom, dietetikom, farmacevtom in drugim strokovnjakom, ki delajo z ljudmi s sladkorno boleznijo.

Kje in kdaj?
V Mestnem muzeju na Gosposki 15 v Ljubljani, 16. aprila 2020.

Kolikšna je kotizacija in kaj vključuje?
Kotizacija znaša 80 € in vključuje udeležbo na izkustvenih delavnicah in predavanjih, hrano in pijačo ter materiale z delavnic.

Kako se je moč prijaviti?
Izpolnite prijavnico tule.
Predračun boste prejeli po elektronski pošti, potrdilo o vplačilu pa po navadni pošti. Število udeležencev je omejeno na 60 na osnovi prvi pride, prvi melje. Za informacije nas kontaktirajte na: info@diamind.si

Zaradi omejitev potovanj, ki so posledica širjenja virusa COVID-19,
je letošnja DiaMind konferenca odpovedana!