Sponzorji DiaMind srečanja

Srečanje organizirata:

Natanko leto dni mineva odkar nas je presenetil novi koronavirus, ki nam vsem kroji življenje. V najhujših morastih sanjah si nismo predstavljali razsežnosti sprememb, ki jih je virus prinesel s seboj.

Težko se soočamo tudi z dejstvom, da toliko ljudi ni več med nami prav zaradi novega koronavirusa.

Ljudje z diabetesom se vsakodnevno soočajo z izzivi te bolezni, ki močno vpliva na njihovo kvaliteto življenja. Sedaj je tu še novi koronavirus. Kako se spopadajo z njim? Kako se z njim soočamo zdravstveni delavci? Ali znamo stati ljudem s sladkorno boleznijo ob strani in jim ob novih izzivih nudimo tudi psihološko podporo, ki jo še kako potrebujejo?

DiaMind se bo v svojem jubilejnem 10. letu obstoja spopadal prav s tem: kako se v novem prepletu diabetesa, koronaviroze in psiholoških izzivov znajdemo zdravstveni delavci in kako najbolje razumeti ter nuditi ustrezno podporo ljudem s sladkorno boleznijo.

DiaMind je tradicionalno srečanje, ki je vedno temeljilo na iskustvenem učenju novih prijemov psihološke podpore ljudem s sladkorno boleznijo. Ponosni smo, da je bistveni del DiaMind-a aktivno opazovanje neposrednega dela terapevta s človekom s sladkorno boleznijo (zaradi etičnih razlogov, z igralcem). Trenerji na DiaMind-u so iz vrst priznanih domačih in tujih strokovnjakov.

Letošnji jubilejni 10.DiaMind bo prvič organiziran prek spleta in skupaj z vsemi vami se veselimo te povsem nove izkušnje!

Do sedaj so udeleženci že iz
We encourage you to complete the voluntary, anonymous, online survey (link below).
It took us about 15 minutes to complete it. If you have a chance, completing the survey prior to DiaMind may help you get the most out of the webinar.


Naziv letošnjega DiaMind-a je:

A New Syndemics?

Julie Wagneris a health psychologist and Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Community Health, and Psychiatry, at the University of Connecticut. She teaches a bio-psycho-social-contextual approach to diabetes, and innovative curricula to promote cross-cultural communication between patients and healthcare providers. She researches psychosocial contributors to diabetes outcomes and designs and tests community-based interventions for the neediest populations with diabetes in the US and abroad. Dr. Wagner has served in editorial roles for leading health psychology journals, and has held leadership positions in professional societies including the American Diabetes Association, the American Psychological Association, and Behavioral Research in Diabetes Group Exchange (BRIDGE).

Sally Openshaw is a Sexual and Relationship Psychotherapist working in private practice in Devon, UK. Sally is a UKCP recognized practitioner and accredited fellow of COSRT (College of Sexual and Relationship Therapist). She works from an integrative relationship model and is recognised by the International Integrative Psychotherapy Association as a trainer, supervisor and practitioner. Sally manages Towerhouse Counselling, (www. towerhousecounselling.co.uk) where she runs a BACP Accredited Diploma course and teaches on a range of CPCAB counselling trainings. Sally completed a four-part training in EMDR in 2013 and is a member of the European Association of EMDR practitioners. Sally recently completed an advanced diploma in Sexual Addiction. She is an experienced Tutor, with a BEd in Education for Adult learners.

Professor Arie Nouwen, a behavioural researcher interested in diabetes and depression and issues related to dietary self-care. He uses a range of methods including neuro-imaging techniques to study the relationship between patterns of eating behaviour and cortical processing of food stimuli. He has written a number of key publications. He is Associate Editor of Diabetic Medicine and Professor (just retired) at the Dept. of Psychology, School of Health & Social Sciences, Middlesex University in London, UK.

Karin Kanc is one of the organizers of this meeting. As a diabetologist, she has her own diabetes practice (jazindiabetes) in Ljubljana, Slovenia and is also a certified integrative psychotherapist (IIPA). She has been active in the field of psychological aspects of diabetes for more than 20 years and is a pioneer in her country combining diabetes and psychotherapy with psychology. Lately, her focus is mindfulness in diabetes and mindful eating.

Komu je srečanje namenjeno?
Medicinskim sestram, edukatorjem, zdravnikom (družinskim, diabetologom, pediatrom in drugim), psihologom, psihoterapevtom, dietetikom, farmacevtom in drugim strokovnjakom, ki delajo z ljudmi s sladkorno boleznijo.

Kje in kdaj?
Na spletu, 21. in 22. aprila 2021, vsakokrat od 16:00 do 17:30.

Kolikšna je kotizacija in kaj vključuje?
Kotizacije ni - BREZPLAČNO!

Kako se je moč prijaviti?
Izpolnite prijavnico tule.

Za informacije nas kontaktirajte na: info@diamind.si